


建筑工程学院 王昆 工程力学专业硕导简介

姓  名


性  别



学  历


职  称
















2016.09~2019.12 亚bo手机登录主页 工程结构防灾力学专业 博士

2013.09~2016.06 亚bo手机登录主页 地质工程专业 硕士

2007.09~2011.07 郑州航空工业管理学院 网络工程专业 学士


2022.03~今 亚bo手机登录主页建筑工程学院 高级工程师

2020.01~2021.12 清华大学/中国电建集团昆明勘测设计有限公司 博士后


[1] 云南省基础研究专项青年项目,202301AU070022,斜坡灾害预报预警中降雨事件及降雨量的空间变化问题研究,2023-01-012025-12-31,在研,主持

[2] 中国工程院,中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目,2022-29-20,面向流域水工程安全的堰塞湖灾害风险防控战略研究,2022-01至2022-12,结题,参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,41807258,强降雨条件下植被发育斜坡非饱和带土体大孔隙流试验研究,2019-01-01至2021-12-31,25万元,结题,参与

[4] 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,2018YFC1508500,堰塞坝险情处置与开发利用保障技术与装备研发,2018-12,至2021-12,结题,参与


[1] 入选“2020年云南省博士后定向资助计划”

[2] 中国地质学会2019年学术年会分会场优秀报告


[1] Wang Kun, Xu Ze-Min*, Tian Lin, Ren Zhe, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Gao Hai-Yan, Luo Jun-Yao. Estimating the dynamics of the groundwater in vegetated slopes based on the monitoring of streams. Engineering Geology, 2019, 259: 105160.

[2] Wang Kun, Ren Zhe, Mei Xue-Feng, Tian Lin, Yang Kui, Zhou Zhen-Hua, Luo Jian-Jie, Xu Ze-Min*. Rainfall difference between the deposition fan and source area of Touzhai Landslide in Yunnan, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(3): 1937–1954.

[3] 王昆, 张宗亮*, 张嘎, 吴学明, 徐云泉. 750 m级特高陡岩质边坡稳定性分析及整治技术. 地下空间与工程学报, 2021, 17(S1): 504–511.

[4] Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Zhang Qi-Shu, Xu Ze-Min*, Tang Zheng-Guang, Chen Ji-Pu., Yang Ji-Qing, Xu Zong-Heng. Earthquake dynamic response behavior of Xiangchong valley type tailings impoundment in Yunnan, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(1): 82–99.

[5] Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Yang Kui, Zhou Zhen-Hua., Tang Yong-Jun, Tian Lin, Xu Ze-Min*. The grain size distribution and composition of the Touzhai rock avalanche deposit in Yunnan, China. Engineering Geology, 2018, 234: 97–111.

[6] Gao Hai-Yan, Xu Ze-Min, Wang Kun, Ren Zhe, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Tian Lin, Chen Ji-Pu. Evaluation of the impact of karst depression-type impoundments on the underlying karst water systems in the Gejiu mining district, southern Yunnan, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78: 4673–4688.

[7] Zhou Zhen-Hua, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Tian Lin, Xu Ze-Min*. Effect of excess pore pressure on the long runout of debris flows over low gradient channels: A case study of the Dongyuege debris flow in Nu River, China. Geomorphology, 2018, 308: 40–53.

[8] 张宗亮, 吴学明, 王昆, 何宁, 周彦章*. 堰塞湖风险分析与应急抢险关键技术研究与应用. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(S2):13–19.

[9] Gao Hai-Yan, Xu Ze-Min*, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Luo Jun-Yao. Laterite as a potential seepage barrier from a karst-depression tailings impoundment. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2021 69(1): 1-22.

[10] Yang Kui, Xu Ze-Min*, Tian Lin, Wang Kun, Ren Zhe, Tang Yong-Jun, Luo Jun-Yao, Gao Hai-Yan Significance of coarse clasts in viscous debris flows. Engineering Geology, 2020, 272, 105665.

[11] Luo Jun-Yao, Xu Ze-Min*, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Gao Hai-Yan, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Tian Lin Quantitative assessment of weathering degree of the Touzhai rock-avalanche deposit in Southwest China. Geomorphology, 2020, 359, 107162.

[12] Yang Kui, Xu Ze-min*, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Tang Yong-Jun, Tian Lin, Luo Jun-Yao, Gao Hai-Yan. Physico-mechanical performance of debris-flow deposits with particular reference to characterization and recognition of debris flow-related sediments, Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27: 2726–2744.

[13] Luo Jun-Yao, Xu Ze-Min, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Yang Kui, Tang Yong-Jun, Gao Hai-Yan, Tian Lin. Rock avalanche-debris geometry and implications for rock-avalanche genesis. Geomorphology, 2019, 334: 60–75.

[14] 杨愧; 周振华; 任喆; 王昆; 徐则民. 泥石流屈服应力测试的塌落度法[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2018, 45(1): 151-157.

[15] Tang Yong-Jun, Xu Ze-Min*, Shao Zhen-Chen, Ren Zhe, Wang Kun, Yang Kui, Luo Jun-Yao, Gao Hai-Yan, Tian Lin Laboratory investigations of the role of biofilms on stream-bed surfaces in debris-flow runout. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020, 45, 999–1012.

[16] Tang Yong-Jun, Xu Ze-Min*, Yang Tai-Qiang, Zhou Zhen-Hua, Wang Kun, Ren Zhe, Yang Kui, Tian Lin. Impacts of small woody debris on slurrying, persistence, and propagation in a low-gradient channel of the Dongyuege debris flow in Nu River, Southwest China. Landslides, 2018, 15: 2279–2293.



张宗亮, 程凯, 吴学明, 李明宇, 徐云泉, 王昆. 堰塞坝应急处置与开发利用[M]. 北京: 中国水利水电出版社, 2021.2. (ISBN 978-7-5170-9429-6

