Dr. HAN Xin-yu(建环研究所导师-韩新宇 英文简介)


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HAN Xin-yu

Dr. HAN Xin-yu


Academic Qualifications

2007/09 - 2010/12, Ph. D, University of Nankai, Environmental Sciences,

2003/09 - 2006/06, MSc, University of Tianjin Business, Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering,.

1996/09 - 1999/06,BEng, University of Beijing Architectural, Building environment and Energy application, College.

Working Experience

1999/11 - 2003/09, Assistant engineer, Architectural Design Institute of Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province;

2012/01 - 2015/12, Postdoctoral research station of environmental science, Kunming University of Science and Technology;

2011/02 to date, Lecturer, School of architecture and engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology.

Research Fields

1. Study on atmospheric NOx, PM2.5, O3, VOCs and other pollutants in plateau mountain urban agglomerations;

2. Synthesis of environmental protection materials and Solid waste utilization technology;

3. Using industrial exhaust gas to prepare new high-energy materials.

Research Fundings


1. Principle Investigator (PI), Observation and theory study of transmission of atmospheric NOx in mountain cities and the impact on region ozone surrounding dense plants. National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, No. 21567012, 2016-2019;

2. Principle Investigator (PI), Synthesis of tialkyl phosphonic acid, Yunnan application basic research project. No. KKSY201206043, 2012/01-2015/12.

3. Instructor, Study on the experiments of making fiberboard using cow dung and waste plastics, The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program of national college student in 2015, No: 2015106740522015/09-2017/09;

4. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), the comprehensive influence of highway vehicle exhaust and VOCs emission from forest on regional atmospheric ozone. National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, No.21207055,2013-2015;

5. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), A study on diffusion behaviors and emission characterization of PAHs in coal-fired flue gas under the plateau environment of low ambient pressure and oxygen concentration. National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, No.21667014,2017-2020.

6. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), Source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter and prevention and control of atmospheric pollutants in Yunnan province, Environmental Protection Agency of Yunnan Province, 2013-2014;

7. Main participant, Source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter in Yuxi, Environmental Protection Agency of Yuxi city, 2014-2016;

8. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), Study on emission characteristic of metal elements of PM2.5 in coal-fired flue gas under a plateau city, Kunming. Department of education in Yunnan province, No.2015Y065,2015-2017;

9. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), Yunnan environmental monitoring center bidding project: Study on urban ozone pollution of Yunnan province, (KKF0201622028), 2016-2017.

10. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), Study onPre-warning monitoring station construction technology of wind haze and air organic pollution of Kunming city , Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center of Kuming, No. KKF0201622014, 2014-2016.

11. Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI), Apportionment of atmospheric particulate source and respirable particulate matter (PM10) source of Kunming city main city, Environmental monitoring center of Kunming, No.:2015-2016.

12. Main participant, Purification of phosphine from industrial exhaust gas, 2007-2008.

13. Main participant, Preparation of iron, phosphorus and cobalt phosphorus amorphous alloy and negative pressure catalytic decomposition of PH3 to prepare high-purity phosphorus , Tianjin science and technology development project, No. 043801311.

Honors and Awards

The annual assessment of the year of 2017 is “excellent”.

The annual assessment of the year of 2016 is “excellent”.

Academic Achievements


[1] SHI Jian-wuMI, Xue-feng,DENG Hao, LIU Yin, NING Ping, ZHOU Yue,HAN Xin-yu* , Study on photochemical formation mechanism of ozone at contact area of highway-forest in plateau. Ourl of Yunnan University, 2017, 39(3): 415-424.

[2] LI Jian-wen, BI Li-mei,HAN Xin-yu, SHI Jian-wu,YANG Jian, SHI Ze, NING Ping, Characteristics and source apportionment of the water soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 of Kunming. Journal of Yunnan University, 2017, 39(1): 63-70.

[4] JIN Xu, TANG Lihong, Li Kai,HAN Xinyu. Research progress on fabrication and application of phosphorene, Materials Review, 2016, Vols.30 (6): 149-155

[5]Xinyu Han, Limei Bi, Zhipeng Bai, Ping Ning, Ran You, Lu Huang, Jianwu Shi*. Atmospheric PAHs in Eight Cities of Northeast China:Influences of Conventional Air Pollutants and Meteorological Conditions. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Volume 25 – No.11 /2016, pages 4618-4629.

[6] Jianwu Shi, Hao Deng, Zhipeng Bai, Shaofei Kong, Xiuyan Wang, Jiming Hao, Xinyu Hanand Ping Ning. Emission and profile characteristic of volatile organic compounds emitted from coke production, iron smelt, heating station and power plant in Liaoning Province, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 515-516, 101–108.

[7] Ping Ning, Lina Pu, Zhipeng Bai, Jianwu Shi*,Xinyu Han and Hao Deng. Characterization of volatile organic compounds emitted from biological degradations of organic waste and sewage in North China [J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(No 4a): 1404-1412.

[8] Meiya Chen, Yuqi Xie, Xinyu Han*, Preparation of High-strength Ceramsite by Firing with Cow Dung, Slag and Sludge as Raw Material, Bulletin of The Chinese Ceramic Society,2015, 12, 1-5.

[9] Jianwu Shi,Xinyu Han, Tao Sheng. Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of PM10-Bound PAHs in Urban Air of Shenyang, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 295-298, 617-621.

[10]Xinyu Han and Jianwu Shi. Characterization and source identification of PM10-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air of Daqing, China. 2012 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering (ICFEEE2012), December 11-13, 2012. Hong Kong. Publisher: Taylor & Francis-Balkema. pp: 586-589.

[11]Xinyu Han, Jianwu Shi. Characterization and source identification of PM10-bound polycyclic aromatic hydroocarbons in urban air of Haerbin,China,2012 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering (ICFEEE2012), December 11-13, 2012. Hong Kong. Publisher: Taylor & Francis-Balkema. pp: 754-757.

[12] Jianwu Shi,Xinyu Han. Distribution and source identification of PM10-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air of Anshan, China,2012 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering (ICFEEE2012), December 11-13, 2012. Hong Kong. Publisher: Taylor & Francis-Balkema.

[13]Jianwu Shi; Deng Hao; Li Mei Bi;Xinyu Han. Characterization of 58 species non-methane hydrocarbons from a typical coke production plant in northern China. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environmental Science, ICAEES 2014, 2014/6/21-2014/6/22, pp 373-376, Guangzhou, China, 2014.

[14]Xinyu Han; Li Yang. Synthesis of sodium diethylphosphinate by gas-liquid free radical addition reaction under atmospheric pressure, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vols.183-185:35-39

[15] Yang Li, Han Xinyu.A novel photo-initiated approach for preparing aluminum diethylphosphinate under atmospheric pressure, Chinese Chemical Letters

[16] Yang Li,Han Xinyu. Synthesis of aluminum diethylphosphinate by gas-liquid free radical addition reaction under atmospheric pressure, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vols.201-203, pp124-126

[17] Lili Li, Changxiu Han, Xinyu Han, Baogui Zhang. Catalytic Decomposition of Toxic Chemicals Over Metal-Promoted Carbon Nanotubes, Environment Science & Technology,2011,45,726-731.

[18] WANG Cheng-hui, YAN Kun,HAN Xin-yu, SHI Ze, BI Li-mei, XIANG Feng, NING Ping, SHI Jian-wu*, Physic-chemical Characteristics Analysis of PM2.5 in Highway Tunnel at the Plateau City of Kunming, 2017.7


[1]. Method for preparing non glue cow dung fiber board (application number: 201510598766.9)

[2]. Method for preparing fiberboard by using cow dung (application number: 201510599461.X);

[3]. A new type of ceramsite and preparation method thereof (application number: 201510407076);

[4]. Method for preparing haydite by using cow dung (application number: 201610014497.1);

[5].Foaming agent preparation method for foam extinguishing agent (application number: 201610185480.2);

[6]. Method for preparing pure phosphorus from mud phosphorus (application number: 201710425375.6);

[7]. Method for producing ceramsite plate by using phosphogypsum and cow dung (application number: 201710506385.2);

[8].Glaze made of waste material and ceramic preparation method using the glaze (application number: 201710665751.9);

[9].A system for removing mercury from gas, authorized Notice No. CN205145917, U, April 13, 2016.
