Dr. GAO Hong(市政系硕导简介-高红英文版)


Dr. GAO Hong



Academic Qualifications

1985.9-1989.7 B. Eng, Department of Applied Chemistry,Harbin Institute of Technology

2004.9-2011.12 PhD, Faculty of environmental science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology

Working Experience

1989.7 To 1995.10 Assistant Engineer, Factory No.5052,Yunnan Aerospace Industry Group.

2012.4 To date Full-time teacher, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology

Research Fields

1. water-supply safety

2. Water treatment theory and technology

3. Solid waste treatment and disposal & utilization

Part-time Academic Job

1. Member of the Young Academic Committee of Municipal Engineering (YACME)

Honors and Awards

Yunnan Provincial award for technological invention, Third Prize, 2017

Academic Achievements


[1].The Basic Features and Space-time differences of Combustible Components of Rural Garbage inChina[J]. Environmental Science 38(7).2017.3078-3084 ( corresponding author)[EI:20174404325602]

[2].Combustible Characteristics ofSouthern ChinaRural Garbage Components and Its Incineration Disposal Potential[J]. Environmental Sanitation Engineering.25(4). 2017.19-22( corresponding author)

[3].CH4emission and CH4emission reduction potential of intermediate cover layer in semi-aerobic landfills [J].ChinaEnvironmental Science 37(2).2017. 636-645

[4].Five kind soils' static adsorption capacity to rural living garbage leachate [J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 11(8).2017.4838-4843

[5].CFD Numerical Simulation on Swirl-flow Combustion in Freon Decomposition Burner.The Proceedings of SMSEM2011. IEEE Press. 2011. 1298-1301 [EI:20124215568398]


[1].Technology of sewage treatment and energy saving &emission reduction(2017)

[2]. Combustion hydrolysis technique on CFCs(2016)
