


伍曾 硕导






2006.9-2011.7 西南交通大学,道路与铁道工程,博士学位,导师:刘学毅

1998.9-2002.7 西南交通大学,工程力学,学士学位,导师:沈火明


2013.10-至今 亚bo手机登录主页,建筑工程学院,副教授

2011.7-2013.9 亚bo手机登录主页,建筑工程学院,讲师




1. (结题)微动磨损与微动疲劳对无砟轨道扣件弹性下降的影响研究,国家自科基金(青年基金),第1位,2013.01.15-2015.12.15,25万元.

2. (在研)室温蠕变与疲劳对无砟轨道扣件扣压力下降的影响研究,国家自科基金(地区基金),第1位,2015.01.15-2018.12.15,48万元.

3. (结题)改性SBS沥青宏观性能与微观结构之间关联研究,博士后,第1位,2014-2015,5万元.

4. (结题)面向智能公路选线的三维空间语义信息建模及应用关键技术研究,国家自科基金(地区基金),第4位,2013.01.15-2016.12.15,50万元.

5. (在研)《昆明市农村危房改造技术导则》编制,横向项目,第2位,2012.11.15-2014

6. (验收)(人培)无砟轨道扣件弹性下降的微动磨损与疲劳研究,省级项目,第1位,2012.01.15-2014.12.15

7. (在研)(人培)考虑锈蚀影响的吊杆疲劳分析方法研究,省级项目,第3位,2016.04.15-2019.06.15




Wang Zhi-Liang, Shen Lin-Fang, Wu Zeng. Influence of Local Water Leakage of Shield Tunnels on the Pore Water Pressure of Soil Masses[J]. Modern Tunnelling Technology.2017-02


Wei Zhong-Chen, Wu Zeng. Extension research on bi-block ballastless track crack of no initial crack[J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology.2016-11


Luo Yao-Bo, Wu Zeng. Dynamic Simulation Analysis of WJ-7 Type Fastener under impact load of train[J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology.2016-09


Wu Zeng. Interlayer Contact Models of Asphalt Pavement[J]. Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition).2016-06

[5]Wu Zeng. Research of creep test at room temperature of the impact of the creep on loss in the toe load of WJ-7 ballaetless track fastener[J]. Materials Research Innovations.2015-12

[6]伍曾.室温蠕变对WJ-7型无砟轨道扣件扣压力损失的试验研究与分析[J]. 亚bo手机登录主页学报(理工版).2015-08

Wu Zeng. Research and Analysis of Impact of Creep at Room Temperature on Toe Load Loss of WJ-7 Ballastless Track Fastener[J]. Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition).2015-08


Shen Lin-Fang, Wang Zhi-Liang, Wei Gang, Wu Zeng. Three-Dimensional Analytical Solution for Passive Limit Support Pressure During Shield Tunnelling[J]. Modern Tunnelling Technology.2014-12


Wu Zeng. Experiment Research on Room Temperature Creep Affecting Clamping Force Loss of WJ-7 Type Ballastless Track Fastener[J]. Railway Standard Design.2014-08


Wu Zeng. Effect of Fretting Wear on Fracture of TypeFastener Elastic Bar[J]. Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition).2013-12

[10]Wu Zeng. Vertical Dynamics Analysis on Evaluation Standard of Ballastless Track Damping Effect[J]. The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM.2013-05

[11]Wu Zeng. Analysis of fretting wear of typeⅡfastener elastic bar[J]. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEAB.2012-05


Wu Zeng. Analysis on Coupling Dynamic Stiffness and Energy of Elastic Supporting Long-pillow Unballasted Track[J]. Journal of the China Railway Society.2012-02


Wu Zeng. Vehicle-turnout-bridge Coupling Dynamics Analysis for Turnout-bridge Relative Position[J]. Journal of the China Railway Society.2011-08



[2] 伍曾,陶忠,李洁青,一种轨道扣件弹条,2014.2.12,中国,201320476256.0
